there are no easy answers

scrambled thoughts enter man's head, straightened ones come outbut we still can make more money, have happier clients and lead saner lives.

by frank stitely
the relentless cpa

i’m back. since writing the “relentless cpa – the new 21st century system for driving success at tax and accounting firms,” i have spoken to dozens of cpas and accountants, been called a dozen names (some of them deserved), and received a few death threats.

more: the 3 biggest tech failures of accounting firms | debunking the demise of the cpa firm | how many tax preparers do you need? | how to be the chief communicator | how to teach reviewing and time management | 4 steps to take before next tax season | some uncommon advice on hiring full-time staff
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actually, the death threats came from my wife, who said she’d kill me if i said “yes” to any new projects. she watches lots of crime shows, so the fbi regarded her threats as serious. i am writing this to buy a bulletproof vest for when she gets out of jail. thank you for your contribution to saving my life.